A blog from the Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service

Education and Skills Blog Archive

Here you will find an archive of Education and Skills Blog articles published before 1 May 2022, divided into their relevant categories.


A chart showing the scale of change in TES proportions in % points, 1999-2000 to 2016-2017
The finances of Northern Ireland’s schools have been in the spotlight for some time. For example, the Northern Ireland Affairs Committee at Westminster is currently holding an Inquiry into…
An image of a microscope
  This week sees people across Northern Ireland getting interested and involved in science through the Northern Ireland Science Festival. We thought we would join the celebration of all…
A primary school pupil working on the topic of rainforests as part of the World Around Us
In 2016 the former Minister for Education, Peter Weir MLA, spoke of wanting to address composite classes, whereby a single teacher is responsible for two or more years of…

Higher and Further Education

Research and Innovation

Copy of the Northern Ireland Executive’s Economic Strategy and the Programme for Government Consultation Document
By Eóin Murphy, Michael Scholes, and Aidan Stennett The Northern Ireland Executive is currently revising its Economic Strategy.  What are the key factors it should take into consideration when…

Skills and Training

Illustration of STEM education word typography: strengthening the STEM ‘artery’ will require a range of approaches
How well is the compulsory education system supporting demand for STEM skills in Northern Ireland? Skills development is critical in driving economic growth, and evidence highlights the importance of…
A pay slip with pound coins
The introduction of the National Living Wage (NLW) could have a number of impacts in Northern Ireland (NI), raising the earnings of those aged over 25, but potentially creating…